[ale] mass email for school and school web site

William Bagwell rb211 at tds.net
Tue Jun 2 16:45:25 EDT 2009

On Tuesday 02 June 2009, dhhoward at comcast.net wrote:
> My daughter's school wants to send 700+ (up to 1000) email blasts to
> parents (school newsletter, etc.), and we may be looking at a new web
> site (and could integrate the email blasts into the web site, or just
> blast summaries and put the whole thing on the web site, e.g.). They've
> used Constant Contact, and another school uses Pommo . Any suggestions?
> I personally don't want to manage a server and would worry that Comcast
> might block it from my home, e.g.

If this is an announce only list and it will *never* exceed 1,000 
subscribers, then a 'tiny' plan at A Small Orange will work just fine. 
$25 per year, easy cheese pointy - clicky install of Mailman through 
cPanal, nothing hardcore about it. You will be limited to *one* post per 
hour if over 500 subscribers.

Recently helped a discusion list with 150 subscribers move from lsoft. 
Other than the 1,000 email per hour limit (which we were not told about 
in advance and have hit twice recently...) have been very pleased with 

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