[ale] Not so evil empire

Michael B. Trausch mbt at zest.trausch.us
Wed Jul 15 12:00:56 EDT 2009

On Wed, 15 Jul 2009, Dennis Ruzeski wrote:

> A rose by any other name...
> Is a 'Customer Specialist' automatically a dweeb? They are when I hear them
> spout off on non-existent technology or information that's so contextually
> inaccurate that it makes my head want to explode and that's 90% of their
> staff.

I was at Best Buy once with my girlfriend... she was looking for a laptop, and 
we were just generally browsing and pricing options.  One of the customers 
asked an associate, "my daughter needs Office 2007 for school.  Is this 
Windows Vista, is that Office 2007?"  The associate's reply?  "Uh, yes, that 

I tell everyone I know to figure out *EXACTLY* what you're looking for before 
going to any such store, and never ask the idiots working there for help.  I 
could have a vastly skewed experience from the norm, but I have yet to find 
anyone who works in a Best Buy or similar type of store in Ohio or around here 
that actually has a clue what they're doing.  While I've been to Fry's, I 
can't speak for them... I've never spoken to them outside of, "This is the 
product I want, do you have it?"

Ironcally, I applied to work at Best Buy some number of years ago... it was no 
shock (in retrospect) that I wasn't hired.  Clueless and gullible seem to be 
job requirements there; if you show up _actually_ knowing a thing or two about 
things, it'd seem they worry about you not generating enough revenue.  After 
all, everyone knows you should charge > $50 (and preferably over $100) for an 
unplugged IDE cable, right?[0]

 	--- Mike

[0] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIsQtlQsw6Y

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