[ale] oops - mea culpa - Re: mass email for school and school web site

Robert Reese ale at sixit.com
Tue Jul 14 14:33:38 EDT 2009

Hello Brian,

Thank you very kindly for your encouraging words and sentiments.

I've a bad habit of not paying attention to the sent date of a message, and sometimes I sort my inbox differently than the default and forget to change it back.  I also keep virtually every email I receive, so there are literally tens of hundreds in the ALE inbox alone and many more in the archives.

It sets me up for the Trifecta stupid user trick of replying to an old email.

It might not have been so embarrassing if I hadn't done something similar a year or so ago with a message several months old AND off-topic.  At least it was an amusing and interesting thread which gained a renewed albeit short life again.

I am very gratified this time that the thread was on topic and even moreso that folks on this list have, and hopefully will continue to, find it useful.

And I am most grateful for your message.  I *never* top-post, but this is a special occasion where it just didn't seem enough to post inline or bottom post where it might be missed.


Monday, July 13, 2009, 10:59:44 AM, you wrote:

> Robert,

> You are apologizing for an email that relates a lot of experience and openly
> shares it with the world (archives, google groups) about something which
> many people may have to do, and often only know of those services that they
> themselves receive list mail?

> Something is very wrong if you feel the need to apologize for that. I found
> it a good read, and while I was aware of many of the issues, the experience
> you had highlights some things I would otherwise have assumed wrongly.  I
> learned something, and I am sure others did, and will when they find this in
> a search sometime.

> This is the kind of thing we're on this list for, even if it is 6 weeks
> late.  Frankly, there are other threads where I have been "unsatisfied" with
> how they ended, and wouldn't mind someone taking a fresh set of eyes to them
> to relate deeper experience.  I'll learn something else, and I'll have a
> record to look back on when i finally face those issues.

> I say great job.

> Brian

> On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 4:06 AM, Robert Reese <ale at sixit.com> wrote:

>> aw, darn.  I just spent three hours crafting one of the longest emails I've
>> sent in years as a reply to a 6-WEEK old post?  ::insert emoticon of smiley
>> smashing forehead into monitor... ::

>> Ghack!

>> Sorry everyone.

>> I *really* gotta pay attention to the sorting in this yet another new  (but
>> this time permanent) email client!!!  AND now I remember why I always used
>> to QUEUE the messages rather than send them immediately.

>> Still, I hope the information one day finds its way on someone's screen
>> that will find it informative and useful.  Until then, I'll be over here in
>> the corner, quietly sobbing.

>> aw, darn.

>> R~

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Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:ale at sixit.com

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