[ale] OpenOffice Draw for Site Maps?

Igor Kresnik kresnik.igor at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 05:43:09 EST 2009

Marc Ferguson pravi:
> Hi,
> I'm a web developer and I used to use Microsoft Visio to create my web 
> site maps and other flow charts.  I'm now using OpenOffice and I 
> believe Draw is the equivalent.  Unfortunately; their official link to 
> a tutorial was to something silly like making labels.  Am I using the 
> right tool and are there any examples or tutorials on just how robust 
> this application is?  Thanks.
you can try with gimp http://www.gimp.org/

Lep pozdrav / Best regards / Cordiali Saluti
Igor Kresnik

http://www.igorkresnik.com, kresnik.igor at gmail.com, igorkresnik at netscape.net

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