[ale] electronics classes.

William Bagwell rb211 at tds.net
Mon Jan 26 05:06:09 EST 2009

On Saturday 24 January 2009, Atlanta Geek wrote:
> The nerdkit thing reminded me of something.
> I have an interest in learning basic electronics.
> Are there any hands on classes in the north atlanta area.
> Anybody have a suggestion of how to go about learning. What I'd like to
> cover is 1. how to read a schematic
> 2. how to solder
> 3. Understand why it is still necessary to put all those capacitors
> and resistors on a circuitboard even though you have only 1 or 2
> chips.
> 4. How do I power a board.
> 5. How do I debug a board.

Have you looked into the classes at the various technical colleges? Quite 
expensive unless you can get the HOPE scholarship / grant, allmost free 
if you do.

Tried sending this the other night with a few links and it never made it 
through. Lost or eaten by a spam filter somewhere...

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