[ale] linux screen saver

Robert Reese~ ale at sixit.com
Thu Jan 15 12:07:42 EST 2009

> Also, if a video monitor displays exactly the same image for days
> and weeks at a time, it will 'burn in' and a shadow of that
> image will remain on the screen forever. That's why the Powers that
> Be call it a "screen saver".

There aren't very many plasma monitors out there, and certainly one wouldn't be 
used for this purpose.  Same goes for OLED.  That leaves LCD and CRT.  CRTs are 
subject to burn-in and are power hogs and are the historic screens designed to 
be saved.  LCD, on the other hand, or not nearly so power hungry nor are subject 
to the burn-in effect.  Stuck pixels, sure, but not burn-in.  Interestingly, 
burn-in hasn't been much of a problem with color monitors; it takes an amazingly 
long time for one of the newer CRT screens to develop burn-in.

As for John's problem, I'd recommend that the company change the monitor out to 
an LCD and use Power settings to turn off the monitor after a short period 
rather than using a screensaver.  John's time will be better spent (30 seconds 
compared to minutes or hours) and company will save money, albeit a few cents 
only, by reducing the watt-hour usage.

Here's another thought... why not convert that workstation from a PC-based one 
to one based on an old laptop?  It takes up almost no space when not in use and 
also uses little or no power when not in use...  simply close the cover to put 
it either in sleep or hibernation mode.  Plus, it has its own battery backup 
system and LCD monitor.  A decent used laptop can be purchased for around the 
same price as a new LCD monitor.  That will also free up the PC machine for 
something more useful.


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