[ale] OT: top-posting

JK jknapka at kneuro.net
Wed Jan 7 12:59:12 EST 2009

Christopher Fowler wrote:
> Okay,
> I want to open a can of worms :)
> We have a sales-rep that sent me this response today in regards to a link I sent him that 
> top-posting is "bad".
> /*The link you sent me is one opinion but I think top posting is the only way to go since the
> rest of the Microsoft world does it that way. And, if we like it or not, they are the top dog in
> the business world.   Sounds like The Butter Battle Book written by Dr. Seuss to me.*/
> The link I sent:
> http://www.caliburn.nl/topposting.html

I almost always follow the practices described at that link; it's just
ordinary netiquette.  However, I've given up trying to get anyone
else to do those things.  Usually such attempts are perceived as nothing
more than pointless kvetching.  All I can do is hope that if I set an
example of useful practice, others will follow.  I'll even sometimes
re-arrange top-posted material into a logical order, as a subtle
rebuke :-)

We must *be* the change we want to see on the 'net...

-- JK

I do not particularly want to go where the money is -
  it usually does not smell nice there. -- A. Stepanov

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