[ale] REsigned: New Distros, X11 Blues
John Mills
johnmills at speakeasy.net
Sun Jan 4 14:51:22 EST 2009
ALErs -
Out of curiosity (and because I had already burned the DVD &8-) I gave
openSuSE-11.1 a spin. After a clean installation and a very minimum of
flailing around on my part, I ended up with a sharp and stable X11 at the
1440x900 resolution of my Samsung LCD, and lots better character formation
than my aged FC3. I have had some quibbles about openSuSE's setup as a
build platform, but I continue to have good luck with their installers.
('eWeek' also liked SuSE-11.1 as a development and server setup - I dunno
yet for the first and don't plan on the second.)
>From the office/desktop viewpoint, I got current, solid openOffice-
and GIMP-2.6.2, and excellent voice quality with Skype and the built-in
I'm going to run this a while and see how I like it overall.
Thanks for the suggestions and information, and Happy New Year!
- Mills
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