[ale] Anyone using Social Networks?

tom tfreeman at intel.digichem.net
Sat Feb 21 09:37:51 EST 2009

On Fri, 20 Feb 2009, Greg Freemyer wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 5:08 PM, Scott Castaline <hscast at charter.net> wrote:
>> Greg Freemyer wrote:
>>> 2009/2/20 Marc Ferguson <marcferguson at gmail.com>:
>>> (Some days I really do feel like my mind is still back in the Z80 days.)
>>> Greg
>> Is that Z as in cutting Zs or 80 as in 1980s?\;)
> What sort of geek are you?  Z80 was a cpu once upon a time.  (I cut my
> teeth on a Cromemco.  If your old enough you may have heard of those.)

I got started with personal equipment with a H89. Dual Z80 processors - 
whee! Between 16K and 64K RAM, and either casset tape or 100K disks for 
storage. Ran either HDOS (Heath DOS with loadable drivers) or CP/M. I 
think that you could also get MP/M which was a multiuser version of CP/M, 
but that was a _long_ time ago.

Heath did manage to get a 5 meg hard disk out for it at one point - thing 
was huge and expensive.

Memories. Rather liked that machine.

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