[ale] Anyone using Social Networks?

Scott Castaline hscast at charter.net
Fri Feb 20 22:58:08 EST 2009

Greg Freemyer wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 5:08 PM, Scott Castaline <hscast at charter.net> wrote:
>> Greg Freemyer wrote:
>>> 2009/2/20 Marc Ferguson <marcferguson at gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm curious as to how many of the LUGites are using social networks, such as
>>>> Twitter, Identica, etc?  In case anyone is, I created an ale group on
>>>> Identica.
>>>> http://identi.ca/group/ale
>>> Someone just told me a couple days ago that the linux kernel people
>>> are suggesting the use of twitter.
>>> I know next to nothing about twitter, but I'm curious about the lk
>>> tie-in.  Anyone know what group (or whatever) one would subscribe to
>>> see the twittering going back and forth.  (Or is it all one way
>>> broadcast?)
>>> (Some days I really do feel like my mind is still back in the Z80 days.)
>>> Greg
>> Is that Z as in cutting Zs or 80 as in 1980s?\;)
> What sort of geek are you?  Z80 was a cpu once upon a time.  (I cut my
> teeth on a Cromemco.  If your old enough you may have heard of those.)
> Greg
I go back to before 4040s. I had also worked with z80As, along with 
2901s, (ye ole bit slice), 6800s, 8086, 8080, 8088 and I don't mean in 
the all new IBM PC, not XT, not AT, but pre PC period....... My first 
wordprocessor experience was with DEC keypad editor on a microVAX 1140. 
So I kinda thunk I know a z80 which by the way was Zilog's version of 
the 8080. The z80 worked on a 1MHz clk and the z80A was originally 
thought to be defective was found to work on a 4Mhz clk. This was found 
out about the time that Harris Computer System Division started buying 
them from Zilog. I was working for Harris at the time, I don't remember 
whether we had found "problem" as I had several boards that were 
originally using the z80 weren't working due to MPU failures. We had 
accidentally plugged in a faster clk crystal with one of the bad MPUs 
and it started working. Zilog then relabeled the "bad" chips as z80A's.
As far as my earlier comments, I was just being a smarta$$.

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