[ale] How Do I Join?

Jim Kinney jim.kinney at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 07:51:05 EST 2009

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 7:23 AM, Geoffrey <lists at serioustechnology.com> wrote:

> Personally, you sound a bit arrogant to me.  If you want to help support
> the website, the first thing you should do is find out who currently
> does that.  Then, you should contact them and discuss your
> concerns/ideas.  Throw something together, stick it out there and see
> what people think.  If people like it, then you'll have to wrestle with
> the folks who currently maintain the site.  By the way, I think you own
> them an apology.  You said their work was ugly. That is your opinion,
> and as we know, everyone's got one of those.  How about providing some
> substance?

As the sysadmin for ale.org, I can speak to this.
We are running wordpress for the site itself. Please feel free to set
up your own wordpress installation (ain't open source grand!) pound in
your design ideas and send a link to me (and the rest of the whiners
who _HAVEN'T_ volunteered to refresh the look :-) and I be more than
happy to take a look at it. I guess you would need to package it up as
a wordpress theme. We currently use a theme from many years ago.

I don't view the current site as "ugly" but rather "dated".

Lastly, NO FLASH ANIMATION!!! (and minimal abuse of javascript to move
things around on the page please. Some of the geezers still don't have
X running so they use links and mutt exclusively. :}

James P. Kinney III

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