[ale] AT&T blocked

Paul Cartwright ale at pcartwright.com
Wed Feb 18 21:29:20 EST 2009

On Wed February 18 2009, Jim Kinney wrote:
> Cheap box on the intertubes:
> http://www.hostmds.com/hosting/dedicated-servers.php
> I can't speak for them as I self host (yay Speakeasy!!) But for $10/mo
> you can get a dedicated, small server and a static IP address. Plenty
> for a mail host and some small web services.

I can get a static IP from atnex.net also.. I have an extra server, but for 
just my own email, and my wifes, I don't see why I can't just use my own 
debian desktop box to host my email & web.. I'm not running a real web 
server, just showing a few pixs to family, of my GRANDBABY!!
though right now it is a DynDNS page:

eventually I'll bite the bullet and get a static IP and it will be my own 
domain name.. I already have the domain..

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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