[ale] AT&T blocked

Jim Kinney jim.kinney at gmail.com
Wed Feb 18 18:17:46 EST 2009

Cheap box on the intertubes:


I can't speak for them as I self host (yay Speakeasy!!) But for $10/mo
you can get a dedicated, small server and a static IP address. Plenty
for a mail host and some small web services.

2009/2/18 Ken Ratliff <forsaken at targaryen.us>:
> wow, 2 voices for Google domains... we have all these fancy shmancy Linux
> boxes, that are born & raised to be servers.. ( EMAIL..) and we dump all the
> hard work off on Google:)
> I'll take a look at google apps..
> It's not so much as that as it is our ISP's being dicks about blocking port
> 25. If I could effectively run a mailserver from my own connection, I
> wouldn't need a server outside to route my email through. Given that google
> is a bit cheaper than renting a box on a network with no port 25 blocks in
> place, it's going to be a popular choice.
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James P. Kinney III

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