[ale] Mysteries of turntables was Re: OT:Digitizing my old vinyl

Richard Bronosky Richard at Bronosky.com
Mon Aug 24 15:07:34 EDT 2009

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 10:52 AM, William Fragakis<william at fragakis.com> wrote:
> I remember
> reading about an engineer a long time ago who  used to mix through
> crappy auto speakers for monitors - figuring that's what his audience
> would be using.

I know for a fact that many of the songs played on the radio are
custom remixes from what is sold on the CD. I also believe I recall
that many of the radio releases have been adjusted to account for the
average car stereo and road noise. As I recall, this was the origin of
"the loudness war" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudness_war as some
artists started to sell the same version to the public that they were
distributing to the radio stations. The assumption was that most of
their listeners (teens and twenty somethings) were listening primarily
in cars. This was a fair assessment prior to the iPod. Now you have
all this music out there that sounds like garbage on head phones, and
an entire generation is getting used to it.

.!# RichardBronosky #!.

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