[ale] Linux apparently illegal in MA [OT]

aaron aaron at pd.org
Sun Apr 19 16:14:56 EDT 2009

On 2009, Apr, 19, , at 12:01 PM, Jim Popovitch wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 08:07, aaron <aaron at pd.org> wrote:
>> :-)
>> Not that Mr. P.'s flame bait comments at the start of this thread
>> -- the ones defending the fascist police state tactics of the "Bomb
>> & Bankrupt" America destroyers and the whiny, infantile, Faux News
>> propaganda corp PR stunt Tea Parties (where Faux News played the
>> the narcissistic Eric Cartman role for all the "Polly Prissypants"
>> participants**) -- had anything to do with ALE or Linux, but....
>> :-)
> Aaron, I am impressed by your wordsmith skills, however, I would like
> to point out that my earlier Boston Tea Party comment was indeed about
> the original event, and what it stood for, and not the more recent
> marketing event.  My earlier comments were not aimed at getting under
> your skin like they apparently did. ;-)

I don't know, Mr. P, that explanation looks like a hop leg shuffle
side step to me!  ;-)

>> To me, the Boston College incident was clearly a police state
>> action of illegal, unconstitutional search and seizure.
> According to bc.edu (not some fancy dancy News source, ahem)  "Boston
> College is a private, coeducational Jesuit university".   Hmmm, a
> private institution.  What constitution covers search and seizure of
> college students on a private university?

Let us start from the fact that this person is a U.S. citizen on
U.S. soil and the warrant is being issued through U.S. courts and
enforced by U.S. police and can land him in a U.S. jail.

Otherwise you would be absurdly suggesting that every citizen is
forced to forfeit all their inalienable human rights, civil rights
and protections under the laws of their government, including all
rights to sanctity of person, privacy and property, whenever a
corporate institution, a purely fabricated non-person entity of the
same governmental systems of laws, is the party that is stealing
property or beating or raping or imprisoning or torturing or killing
an individual. All I have to do is file as an LLC and there should
be no legal consequences for me taking everything you own and
beating you to death, right?  Corporation über ales?

I think the fact that you would suggest this as anything other
a satiric hypothetical is clear evidence of how entrenched and
accepted the brainwashing of the corporate welfare state and the
myths of fascist Fraudman capitalist dogma have become in the
American psyche. Not surprising, though, that a life time of hourly
propaganda assaults from a consumerist advertising culture and the
integral, compliant and complicit corporate media should warp
our thinking.

Then again, perhaps we shouldn't be shocked at all that we
could attribute absolute and immoral totalitarian authority to
our definition of "private corporation" -- if you take an honest
look at it, the predominant internal political structure of most
corporate organizations is a direct scale model of totalitarian
communist dictatorship. So it shouldn't be any revelation that
the exploitations of global corporate capitalism are thriving
in communist China, given that their structures and practices of
repression have so much in common.  And we probably shouldn't
bemoan how communist China now totally owns America as collateral
to the war deficit debts we sold them in our race to globalize
the corporate welfare state. Given the similarities in their
exercise of totalitarianism, we probably won't be able to tell
the difference when the Red Chinese officially assume day
to day operations of the U.S., except for the small bonus that
communist rule might still include a single payer public health
care system, since this has been their traditional concession to
basic human rights, however singular and pragmatic that
concession may be.

But all of this definitely has nothing to do with Linux or ALE,
so I'll shut up and get off this thread now.  ;-)


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