[ale] Basic Laptop for presentations question

James Taylor James.Taylor at eastcobbgroup.com
Wed Apr 15 11:47:55 EDT 2009

I pretty much live in konqueror (for everything but a browser...imagine that), and I cannot configure the kde4 konqueror even remotely close to how I have it configured with kde3.
Also, I use the  search box in the menu a lot, and that isn't in option in the new menu, even with the plasma app they provide.
I also am a big right click user, and as far as I can tell, there is no right click functionality on the desktop.

I am a believer in progress when it makes sense, but the way they went about implementing kde4 was to make it a new desktop, with no real path to move 
to the new functionality  that was useful while retaining the functionality in kde3 that I use constantly.

If I could configure kde4 to work like kde3 while I worked out what was useful to me in kde4 and was able to use what I found good in the new and the old, I would be OK with it.

kde4 reminds of a lot of things I don't like about gnome (not starting a war here, honest). From my perspective, it is not configurable enough, is too "icon-y", and requires to many clicks or keystrokes to do what I want to do.

As far as I am concerned, kde4 is not an evolution of kde, it is an entirely different desktop.


James Taylor
The East Cobb Group, Inc.
james.taylor at eastcobbgroup.com

>>> Greg Freemyer <greg.freemyer at gmail.com> 4/15/2009 11:22 AM >>> 

I hear people complain about kde4, but I don't know what is so
horrible about it.  I'm using kde 4.2.2 on both my workstation and my
laptop.  I'm just a basic gui user, so maybe I'm missing the obvious.
I don't have the fancy window stuff installed.

I don't use Quanta which I understand is working poorly in kde4 world.

It may not be as configurable / flexible as kde 3.5.  Don't know I
never customized my kde 3.5 setup anyway.

The laptop has suspend/hibernate issues, but I don't think that is kde4 related.

I haven't had a gui lockup with kde 4.2 at all.   A couple of times
I've had to blow away my .kde4 directory to get the gui working
sensibly again.  The most recent time is that the screensaver was
kicking in continuously while I was working, but deleting that
directory fixed it.

And per this thread I just got the dual screen function going with the
projector and Impress displaying slides to the user and a speaker view
of things on the laptop.


On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:43 AM, James Taylor
<James.Taylor at eastcobbgroup.com> wrote:
> knetworkmanager works great for me in 11.1.  I still don't like the functionality compared to what it was in 10.3.  I considered the 10.3 knetwork functionality to be ideal.  It didn't really work in 11.0 until several months after the release.
> KDE4 has an extremely long way to go before I could consider it as a daily use desktop.
> I'd rate command line to be a more useful desktop at this point...
> This creates a real dilemma, as I get an allergic reaction any time I try to use Gnome.
> -jt
> James Taylor
> The East Cobb Group, Inc.
> 678-697-9420
> james.taylor at eastcobbgroup.com
> http://www.eastcobbgroup.com
>>>> Greg Freemyer <greg.freemyer at gmail.com> 4/15/2009 09:03 AM >>>
> With OpenSUSE 11.1 wireless works fine for me (via the knetworkmanager
> app)  .    But I understand I'm one of the lucky ones.  One of the
> devs said he is going to work heavily on knetworkmanager for the 11.2
> release.  So hopefully it should be in good shape by fall.
> FYI: I think knetworkmanager is currently a kde3 app.  Part of what is
> needed is moving it to kde4 and apparently lots of bug fixing.
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