[ale] Photoshop/Crossover/GIMP/Epson1280 Question

John Mills johnmills at speakeasy.net
Wed Nov 5 16:06:59 EST 2008


Thanks for the help.

Last place I asked about quality printing from Linux other writers echoed 
your high regard for Linux printer drivers, but I haven't achieved such 
good results on my tests: neither color balance nor range were right, and 
some colors on my test chart were badly mis-rendered. PSE colors _usually_ 
just "look right" out of the box (or in this case, the camera).

I'll try 'guten-print'. I _thought_ that was already the driver being used 
by my CUPS installation.

  - Mills

On Wed, 5 Nov 2008, Jim Kinney wrote:

> There is a gimp-specific print package that resolves epson printing
> problems (and others using the same engine) called guten-print
> http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net/ It has excellent support from Epson
> coders and also resolved problems from cups as well. Before you get
> codeweavers-addicted, try upgrading your printing tools first. A while
> back when I had need of doing heavy graphics printing to a near
> top-of-the-line epson, the gimp-print tools generated better quality
> printing than the same printer on a windows machine.

> On Wed, 2008-11-05 at 14:20 -0500, John Mills wrote:

>> I use GIMP in Linux for web and CD output from digital photos, but I have
>> not had as good results targeting my Epson1280 (6 color) printer: some
>> colors are badly mis-rendered, and the color gradation is visibly coarse
>> (called "banding" I believe - a bit like "posterization" in B/W printing).
>> What experience have ALErs had in getting the best photos from printers in
>> this general class? Is it worthwhile trying to run Epson's printer driver
>> under Crossover?

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