[ale] ALE CENTRAL for Thursday, May 15, 2008
aaron at pd.org
Tue May 13 12:51:20 EDT 2008
Our Thursday, May 15th, 7:30pm ALE Central meeting
will be focused on the state of Linux and OSS tools for
music & audio production with a program entitled:
Sound Computing Practices for Linux:
Inside Ubuntu Studio and XO Wave
with presenters
Bjorn Roche and Aaron Ruscetta
--- While Linux has formed a presence in almost every realm of
computing, Media production is a specialty application arena
where Linux has only recently begun to offer competitive options
for professionals. Historically, proprietary file encoding formats
and specialty hardware requirements of digital media had hindered
the development of OSS tools for media production, but the tide is
changing as commodity hardware has become more media capable
and the digital formats have become more open and standardized.
Using comparisons to some of the popular commercial software
products available for the de-facto computer platform for pro media
production, Mac OSeX, our presentation will be evaluating a few of
the promising and capable OSS competitors found in Ubuntu Studio
(8.04). In tandem with our look inside Ubuntu Studio, we will be
making more specific platform comparisons as ALE's Bjorn Roche
discusses the unique challenges he faces in developing XO Wave,
a multi-track audio editing and mastering package that he maintains
both commercially for Mac OSeX and as a free (as in beer) offering
for the Linux community.
-- Bjorn Roche is a long time Linux user and entrepreneur software
developer specializing in tools for audio production and primarily
working with Java for it's cross platform strengths. In addition to
creating and maintaining his cross platform XO Wave audio editing
and mastering package, Bjorn has made numerous contributions
to the OSS community. Most significantly, he was an instrumental
developer for the Mac OSeX Core Audio layer which greatly simplifies
and facilitates porting of Open Source audio tools to and from the Mac.
-- Aaron Ruscetta is a 30 year veteran of video, audio and computer
media production in all of its incarnations of form and format, both
analog and digital. Working as an independent contractor under his
business moniker of Image Architects for over 15 years has also
allowed him to very flexibly pursue his many computer geek and
videot savant passions, with titles ranging from College Instructor
in Computer Graphics and 3D Animation to Junior Linux System
Administrator to Director of Entropy Containment. Aaron has been
a consistently active contributor to any community that has been
willing to tolerate his eccentricities, serving in numerous officer roles
during 10+ years with the Amiga Atlanta users group and serving with
ALE for several years as an Event Coordinator and Meeting Moderator.
< http://www.xowave.com/ > ==> XO Wave / XO Audio
< http://ubuntustudio.org/ > ==> Ubuntu Studio</a>
We will be meeting in our usual Gambrel Hall room 1C venue.
Meeting time frame is 7:30pm to ~9:30pm
Directions to Emory Law School can be found at
< http://www.ale.org/new/directions-to-ale-central/ >
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