[ale] udev file permissions

Keith Hopkins ale at hopnet.net
Mon Mar 10 12:15:24 EDT 2008

On 03/10/2008 09:30 AM, Geoffrey wrote:
> If there is one thing that is stopping Linux from better acceptance, 
> it's issues like this.  I was running Red Hat Enterprise 4, syncing my 
> palm via jpilot.  I do a clean install of Red Hat Enterprise 5 

Was that RHEL5 Server or Desktop?

Looking at the difference between what is documented that each version will do, it is easy to see RH has taken a much different approach to fine tuning the EL5 products.  RHEL5 is much much more oriented to the Server (DataCenter), so I think you'll see less and less verification of potential problems like this from RH.  But hey, that's a business model of a single (although major) vendor, and not a technical limitation of Linux.

Nows your chance to try out SLED (or even Fedora).


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