[ale] web page creation app

Jim Lynch ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Sun Jun 1 10:11:39 EDT 2008

Paul Cartwright wrote:

>On Sat May 31 2008, Jim Lynch wrote:
>>>ahh... no WONDER it didn't work when I tried to set up an scp session..
>>>ftp over tls? how does one do that?
>>I use Filezilla which has that support.  I think later versions of gftp
>>also support it.
>debian couldn't find filezilla, but I already have gftp installed. Not sure 
>what it needs for tls setup, that sounds like a different port from normal 
I'm away from home and can't access the net from Linux since it doesn't 
support the Verizon air card.  Or not mine at least.  I'll have to wait 
until Tuesday to give you that info.


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