[ale] employment list discussions

Laurie Tynor ltynor at gmail.com
Sun Jul 13 11:39:28 EDT 2008

I'm from the Recruiterless website group - as the poster below
described, we are a free, non-profit site dedicated to direct IT job
postings.  We already provide search-by-category for job postings such
as System/Network Administrators, Developer/Programmer, Architect/Tech
Lead.  You can narrow these searches further with keyword searches in
conjunction with the categories; if you search for "linux" keyword
your category then you will get what you are looking for.  We accept
postings plus we also aggregate several of the main boards for their
direct postings.

We'd accept any postings your group would like to put up. :) Our site
is at: http://www.recruiterless.com.  If after looking at the site,
you have any suggestions to make it more usable for your group please
let us know!

Laurie Tynor

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [ale] employment list discussions
Date: 	Thu, 10 Jul 2008 09:42:24 -0400
From: 	Jeff Lightner <jlightner at water.com>
Reply-To: 	ale at ale.org
To: 	<ale at ale.org>
References: 	<437d2f230807100609g3d249401v6a94b4d080b5919a at mail.gmail.com>

Haven't really used it but http://www.recruiterless.com 
<http://www.recruiterless.com/> is for Principals only posting of IT 
Jobs. It isn't Linux specific. Maybe hooking up with the folks running 
that site for a sub-site for Linux specific that are also visible on 
broader searches would be a good idea. (e.g. UNIX Admins would probably 
be interested in Linux specific positions during a job search.)

The site has been mentioned at AUUG a few times.


*From:* ale-bounces at ale.org [mailto:ale-bounces at ale.org] *On Behalf Of 
*Jim Kinney
*Sent:* Thursday, July 10, 2008 9:09 AM
*To:* ale at ale.org
*Subject:* [ale] employment list discussions

It has been brought to my attention that the ale-employment list is no 
longer alive. I think that should be remedied.
So this is a thread to discuss a how-to on this topic.

1. We can always startup another mailing list
2. How about a separate wikki page?
3. Or maybe a blog page that is open
4. Should we send notices to as many legit recruiters as we can find 
announcing this?
5. Should we look at something even more substantial?

My ONLY caveat to ANYTHING we do is a requirement for any job posted 
there must be a need for Linux skills to be used spelled out in the 
posting. If they want a janitor who can do time entry on a Linux system 
I'm OK with that. (Hey! It gets Linux in the business world! Cool, huh?!)

Hmm. Thinking at the keyboard here...

Maybe an open-access blog that uses a form fill-in for the posting with 
email verification? So ANY person with a job or looking for a job can 
put in their data and a listing, and the post is scanned for 
[Ll][iI][nN][uU][Xx] and if found the posting is sent to the supplied 
email address for email verification. It is then posted on the read-only 
blog when the confirmation reply email comes in.

Maybe we should link this up with other LUG's?

Come on ALE'rs! Toss in your ideas!

James P. Kinney III

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