[ale] OT: GPS/nav units?

Mike Harrison meuon at geeklabs.com
Mon Feb 25 15:54:38 EST 2008

> am thinking about getting one of these but thought this might be a good
> group from which to solicit advice.

My wife and I fight over the TomTom720 I bought, I've also done a road 
trip with it and a Garmin unit both (Chattanooga to Tampa and back, pretty 
easy) and the driver (owner of the Garmin) is lusting after my TomTom.
The TomTom seems "friendlier" than the Garmin.

The blue-tooth headset capabilities don't work well in my Mini (too much 
background noice) but do work well in my F150.
The dialing/phonebook access works really well.

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