[ale] Updated Linux but new Pine doesn't know keystokes!

Alex LeDonne aledonne.listmail at gmail.com
Mon Feb 25 11:31:39 EST 2008

On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 9:15 AM, John Mills <johnmills at speakeasy.net> wrote:
> Mike -
>  Thanks for the note.
>  Shell is '/bin/bash'. Terminal varies -- xterm for direct login, whatever
>  ssh gets for remotes.
>  It looks like an issue in 'pine' because I get an error message to the
>  effect: "Command ';' not defined for this screen", but paging through the
>  commands with 'O' I see that ';' is indeed defined [as a "select message"
>  lead-in]. 'pine -v' reports "Pine 4.64 built Tue Jan 17" for Slack-12.0.
>  Unless I find a config setting, the simplest may be to rebuild from source
>  and see how that one acts.
>   - Mills

Try this, as it may "unmuck" your .pinerc (in case there were subtle changes):

Make sure your .pinerc has correct (user-writable) permissions
In settings, uncheck enable-aggregate-command-set
Quit pine
Start pine
In settings, check enable-aggregate-command-set

I don't know what ':' is for, but I know that ';' is part of the
aggregate command set, so if unsetting and resetting that option
doesn't work, something else is amiss.

You might also try searching for that setting in your .pinerc,
deleting it there, and setting it again from pine.

Failing that, try renaming your .pinerc (maybe to old.pinerc), start
pine with default settings, and enable the option, and see if that
works. This would determine if something else might be weird in your
.pinerc and causing issues.

These are all easier than rebuilding, I think. :)


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