[ale] snmp issues

Jim Popovitch yahoo at jimpop.com
Thu Feb 21 16:34:46 EST 2008

On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 4:10 PM, Atlanta Geek <atlantageek at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2 questions about snmp traps.
>  1, On ubuntu I have an snmptrap command.  On centos I installed
>  net-snmp and net-snmp-devel but I cannot find the snmptrap command.
>  Does anyone know what rpm installs snmptrap.

You need to install net-snmp-utils

>  2. On my ubuntu server I have snmptrapd running.  I can recieve traps
>  from the ubuntu server but the snmptrapd does not receive traps from
>  other servers.  nothing is written to any of my /var/logs. anyone have
>  any suggestions for this.

check /etc/snmpd.conf (or is it /etc/default/snmp*) to make sure
snmptrapd will accept from the network.  IIRC it defaults to localhost

-Jim P.

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