[ale] Difference between top and system monitor

Jim Kinney jim.kinney at gmail.com
Thu Dec 11 12:28:20 EST 2008

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Scott Castaline <hscast at charter.net>wrote:

> In both it just shows up as a single process. When I do a ps -ef it
> appears that the ppid = 1 (root). I do also find it interesting that all
> of a sudden (today) it is using so much time. Previously my cpu usage
> was at a minimal, even with more going on. The only difference seems to
> be a kernel update that happened this morning along with some other
> software. I guess I could try booting into the earlier kernel to see if
> that's it. I don't recall what else got updated. I have also noticed
> that the GUI reports approximately half the usage that top reports per
> process.
> Dual-core CPU? In top 1 will toggle between an aggregate cpu and individual
cpu listings.

James P. Kinney III
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