[ale] Don't laugh, I need a POTS 8 port terminal server

Greg Freemyer greg.freemyer at gmail.com
Fri Aug 29 17:49:40 EDT 2008

On 8/29/08, Mike Harrison <meuon at geeklabs.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Aug 2008, Michael Still wrote:
>  > cisco claims the NM-8AM-V2 module is supported in their 2800 series
>  > routers.  that would be an option.
>  Cisco's RAS servers and such are weird beasts.. Good. But weird.
>  > something a bit more fancy would be to get the digital modem dsp and
>  > feed a pri circuit into the router.
>  There are no PRI's. T1's. DS3's OC1 or OC3 available for termination
>  outside the government run telco in the whole country. It's a long story,
>  but dispite what you've been told, high speed internet is not yet
>  everywhere... Especially in places aspiring to join the "third world".
>  So far, the best I've found is perle.com ..

Are you going to consider getting a refurb'ed portmaster?  I don't
recall any harddrives etc. so even a refurb unit should be pretty

(I assume you can still get them.  I did a google and got lots of
hits, but the pages may be old.)

Greg Freemyer
Litigation Triage Solutions Specialist
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