[ale] Don't laugh, I need a POTS 8 port terminal server

Mike Harrison meuon at geeklabs.com
Fri Aug 29 17:12:27 EDT 2008

On Fri, 29 Aug 2008, Michael Still wrote:

> cisco claims the NM-8AM-V2 module is supported in their 2800 series
> routers.  that would be an option.

Cisco's RAS servers and such are weird beasts.. Good. But weird.

> something a bit more fancy would be to get the digital modem dsp and
> feed a pri circuit into the router.

There are no PRI's. T1's. DS3's OC1 or OC3 available for termination
outside the government run telco in the whole country. It's a long story,
but dispite what you've been told, high speed internet is not yet
everywhere... Especially in places aspiring to join the "third world".

So far, the best I've found is perle.com ..

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