[ale] License agreement for Linux based commercial systems..

Mike Harrison meuon at geeklabs.com
Wed Apr 2 13:09:55 EDT 2008

> You have "legal guys," yet you want *us* to give examples to *them*?  Suggest 
> you get legal guys who actually have experience in crafting EULAs.

They do. In the typical 'Microsoft-ish licensing world'
(http://www,millermartin.com are the lawyers)

We are trying to give them so examples that work better in the Linux/FOSS 
world for something that is -almost- a work for hire.. but not, 'cause 
we'll hopefully sell a couple more copies.

I'm looking for a GOOD license for this world. Anyone seen one, read one 
that works well?

http://www.opensource.org/licenses  is good reading for FOSS,

but nothing seems to be useful for getting paid for some work as well
and as it's very specific work, we can't have it completely:
"free for distribution".

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