[ale] Microsoft can brag about something other than the X-Box now...

H P Ladds householdwords at gmail.com
Mon Oct 1 15:17:52 EDT 2007

On 10/1/07, Pete Hardie <pete.hardie at gmail.com> wrote:

> Until it gets cheap enough to put into every cubicle work surface,
> it's a novelty.
> It's not likely people will be physically comfortable reaching for
> their screen, or leaning over a tabletop.

A presentation I saw on the development of this (or perhaps it was
just similar) technology conceded that increased user fatigue was a
genuine disadvantage.

Also, the technology has difficulty understanding subtle, but
important, differences in user input -- the difference between a
single and double click for example.

I can't help but wonder if advancements in the today's touch screens
will closely rival this technology in the not too distant future.

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