[ale] Firewall/VPN solutions

Steve Tynor stevejunk at iintiip.com
Tue Mar 27 13:01:17 EDT 2007

I've not run into problems with OpenVPN and PGP (perhaps because none of 
our users have PGP installed on their machines :)).  Similarly, all our 
users are on XP; none using Vista.

FWIW, we use the turnkey GUI client from: http://openvpn.se/


On 3/27/2007 11:59 AM, Jeremy T. Bouse wrote:

> OpenVPN has already been looked at. It is fine for Linux obviously but
> the Windows solution has proven to not be as simple nor has Mac OS X.
> With Windows just having PGP software installed can cause issues if
> you're using X.509 certificate authentication. Using the CryptoAPI to
> identify certificates is problematic and the configuration for 2000/XP
> does not work with Vista.

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