[ale] Microsoft Windows ousted at California school district

Jeremy T. Bouse Jeremy.Bouse at UnderGrid.net
Thu Mar 1 12:05:57 EST 2007

JK wrote:
> Jeff Lightner wrote:
>> Nice.  Too bad they picked the distro that signed the agreement about
>> patents with MS.
> It is nice. One thing bugged me, though:
> There is a paragraph in the article where the Windsor IT director
> says something like, "We had to create all 500 users by hand on
> each server".  WTF? Surely such a task could be addressed by
> scripting.  Anyway, it lowered my estimate of the Windsor IT
> department's cluefulness a bit.

	Not only could it be scripted but they could have used one of several
central authentication schemes and not had to do it on multiple
machines. Again it's clueless administrator errors running rampant and
being advertised.

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