[ale] Google Trends

Robert Reese ale at sixit.com
Thu Jan 4 23:51:06 EST 2007

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On 1/4/2007 at 11:18 PM James P. Kinney III wrote:

>It looks like more and more people are having trouble with Ubuntu and
>are using google for help.

Or, more and more inexperienced users are picking Ubuntu to try, and are turning to Google for help.

>It looks like problems with RedHat are not
>being searched for with google as much as they use to be.

In other words, RH popularity is declining, and FC is replacing it.  :c)  I'm willing to bet that the spikes on the Fedora line represent releases, which look slightly symetric.

>Novell is
>_still_ just limping along.

What is it people are looking for in Novell?  More than likely it isn't Linux, but rather GroupWise and Netware.  In order to find more, you'd have to instruct Google Trends to compare and contrast Novell+Netware, Novell+Linux, Novell+Suse, and Novell+Groupwise.

As an aside, you know what's scary?  It looks like Google never dumps data.  Every search ever done is likely still in a database or three (thousand).  Yikes!

Robert Reese~

   * Microsoft is NOT a standard. *

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