[ale] OT: Digital Cameras

cfowler at outpostsentinel.com cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Sat Feb 10 15:00:03 EST 2007

MAybe someone on this list knows enough about digital photography
to answer a question I have.

I have 2 cameras.  1 is a Kodak C743 and the other a Sony DSC-T50.
The Sony is 7.2mp Kodak 7.1.  Here is what I do not understand.  Why
are the pciture sizes so different between these cameras? 

The Kodak has a 1GB flash and it reports it can hold 700+ images.  The
Sony has 2GB and it says 550+  The resolutions are the same between
the images but the file size of the Sony images is almost 2x that
of the Kodak.  Why is this?  It shit a feature I'm not comparing
when I buy cameras.  I looked in the Kodak's menu and can
only find a setting for MP size.  The sony has a fine setting that
I can tweak.

Being a geek I know that more data can equal better quality and this
is what has me concerned.

I think I even asked this before.  I have a Cannon G3 and another Kodak.
The Canon 3 the Kodak 5 and the Canon file size is greater but resolution
is smaller.

Maybe the Koday C743 and the other Kodak is doing more JPEG compression?  Maybe
I should stay away from all Kodak products based on what I'm seeing?

Thanks for clearing this up for me.

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