[ale] Lost Wireless on Laptop

Danny Cox DCox at icc.net
Fri Feb 9 10:04:50 EST 2007


On Fri, 2007-02-09 at 08:37 -0500, Jim Moore wrote:

>  Thursday I fired up the laptop and ran into problems.
> 1.  As it was booting when it got to networking, rather than getting ip 
> address for eth1 I got the message that " 8139too  device doesn't seem 
> to be present"  Wireless for the laptop is Intel ProWireless 2200BG 
> which is on eth1
> 2.  Went to Sys-Admin-Network and checked the device for eth1,  it's 
> listed as the Intel card, but shows not activated.
> 3.  Tried to activate, but get the message that "8139 not present"
> 4.  Finally just shut down.
> Am at a loss.  Is there someway to locate this mysterious "8139" and 
> delete it thereby restoring the Intel?
> Could always just. blow the partition and re-install.  Nothing critical 
> that I would lose
> How would one even go about probing for a mysterious device.  I can do 
> some of the simple things at the command line, but know I've just 
> scratched the surface of its capability and have so much to learn.

    Here's a couple of things to try.  As root (!) type "lsmod", which
just lists the modules installed in your kernel.  If you see 8139too
listed, remove it with "rmmod 8139too".

    Then try "modprobe ipw2200".  That loads the drive for your wireless
card.  You may need to muck around with /etc/modprobe.conf and friends
to turn the 8139too off.

    Let us know if this works or is a bust!

Daniel S. Cox
Internet Commerce Corporation
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