[ale] Evolution and BellSouth storage question

Michael B. Trausch mike at trausch.us
Thu Aug 23 16:20:20 EDT 2007

Paul Cartwright, on 08/23/2007 07:47 AM said:
> hilight the part of the message you want to quote, COPY, hit REPLY, hilight 
> ALL the text ( other than your sig) and hit PASTE:)
> yes, I wish it WOULD do it like that too!!

Eh, I just hit reply, and trim it manually for the moment...

	-- Mike

Michael B. Trausch              Internet Mail & Jabber: mike at trausch.us
Phone:  (404) 592-5746 x1                        http://www.trausch.us/
Mobile: (678) 522-7934            VoIP: 6453 at sip.trausch.us, 861384 at fwd

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