[ale] Correct way to update cache DNS

Christopher Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Wed Aug 1 14:54:28 EDT 2007

I was having problems resolving www.amsat.org from my office.  At
Quality services it can be resolved easily.  There I use their dns
server.  In my office I use a caching server.  I figured it was best to
update named.ca.  It has been 2003 since I've don it.

I ran this:

 dig @m.root-servers.net. ns . > db.cache.tmp
 mv db.cache.tmp /var/named/named.ca
 /etc/init.d/named restart

I still could not ping it.  The only way was to use the Qualty DNS
server address in /etc/resolv.conf at home.  What was I doing wrong?

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