[ale] quick poll - what monitoring tools do you use?

Raylynn Knight audilover at speedfactory.net
Thu Apr 19 22:03:19 EDT 2007

On Thu, 2007-04-19 at 13:16 -0400, Jeff Lightner wrote:
> The mention of Nagios in the other thread reminded me of a
> presentation at Ale NW where someone was going over a different
> monitoring tool though I forget at the moment the name of that one.
> During that they also mentioned Big Brother.
That would have been my presentation on Hobbit
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/hobbitmon/). The Hobbit monitor is a
system for monitoring of hosts and networks, inspired by the Big Brother
system. It provides real-time monitoring, an easy web-interface,
historical data, availability reports and performance graphs.

> Would folks be willing to say what open source/free monitoring tool
> you use and why you chose it over others if you did?
I chose Hobbit, because I was already familiar with Big Brother.  Big
Brother is not free, and Hobbit is.  It was very simple to get up and
running with Hobbit.  I monitor my DSL link, my providers DNS, my
webserver, my firewall box, a linksys WRT54GS, 2 linksys WAPs, my print
server, my 2 DNS servers, and 3 NFS servers.

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