[ale] OT: U.P.S. Recommendations

Paul Cartwright paul_tbot at pcartwright.com
Thu Apr 12 06:37:32 EDT 2007

On Wednesday 11 April 2007 09:32:32 pm aaron wrote:
> I'm looking to provide power to a couple 400 watt computers with
> CRT monitors plus a few external disk drives. A 30 minute battery
> run time would ride through most of the occasional bumps and brief
> outages that happen here. Don't need any remote monitoring or
> alerts and such since these aren't server systems. ?Just looking for
> advice on appropriate size and brands that are a reliable value.

I don't know about 30 minute uptime for 2 systems, but I've used APC UPSes for 
years ( shudder, even before Linux) and now I use apcupsd to alert me. 
Sometimes I don't even notice the power hit, but I get told about it later, I 
like it like that! I think I've got the Backups Office Pro 650. I power my 
laptop & desktop from it, but only one monitor.

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Ubuntu User number is # 12459

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