[ale] if 'dpkg' is removed, will this entirely disable all up-dating/grading & apt-getfunctions?

Courtney Thomas courtneycthomas at bellsouth.net
Mon Oct 23 12:07:09 EDT 2006


You give me too much credit :-)

I installed this machine about 5 yrs ago and I frankly don't remember
all that's been done nor how, but find myself needing this machine now and
welcome the opportunity to learn Debian and plan on being systematic in
my future effort here as it is obviously required whereas before I was
probing and running applications.

But in any case, I now want to straighten it out. It has lain fallow for
years but I have quite a few applications installed that I don't intend

Ubuntu didn't even exist when this machine was installed and I in ignorance
have obviously unwittingly made errors.

If you find all this unworthy of your time, no problem and I profusely thank
you again for your past effort.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Sumners" <james.sumners at gmail.com>
To: ale at ale.org
To: "Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts" <ale at ale.org>
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: [ale] if 'dpkg' is removed,will this entirely disable all
up-dating/grading & apt-getfunctions?

> How do you have 1.13.22 installed when the latest version available in
> Sarge is 1.10.28? According to
> http://packages.qa.debian.org/d/dpkg.html 1.3.22 is available in the
> testing (Etch) branch. When I do a google search for "dpkg 1.13" I get
> a bunch of results referencing 1.13.22 for Ubuntu. That leads me to
> believe you are either 1) trying to convert from Ubuntu to Debian
> without a reinstall or 2) have, at some point, updated to the testing
> branch of Debian (presumably while running Woody). If it is the first
> case, I'm done trying to get this issue fixed. Ubuntu is not Debian;
> it is a mess of Debian branches that lead to nothing but woe. If it is
> the second case, either go back to running testing, and switch to Etch
> when it is released in December, or go on up to unstable (Sid). As I
> said in my first reply, in the first thread to which I replied, it is
> a bad, _BAD_, idea to mix packages from different branches.
> On 10/23/06, Courtney Thomas <courtneycthomas at bellsouth.net> wrote:
> > Thank you for the prompt clarification.
> >
> > I currently have dpkg 1.13.22 installed and have no interest in
> > I only bring  all this up because in the attempt to install an
> > pkg that is acceptable to kernel-image-2.4.27-2-k7, a new initrd-tools
> > required which requires removing dpkg as a subprocess.
> >
> > Apparently I 'm doin'  a poor job of transmitting & receiving for which
> > I apologize.
> >
> > I have assumed that everything is a front end for dpkg, and that's why
> > my former posting I said that I was so surprised that any installation
> > remove dpkg.
> >
> > I seem to be at a point where I cannot go 'forward' without removing
> > which, as I understand it, dumps me into a soft cul-de-sac. Bizarre
> >
> > I thank you for all your time & patience in this matter,
> > Sincerely,
> > Courtney
> -- 
> James Sumners
> http://james.roomfullofmirrors.com/
> "All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts
> pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it
> is magnetic to the corruptible. Such people have a tendency to become
> drunk on violence, a condition to which they are quickly addicted."
> Missionaria Protectiva, Text QIV (decto)
> CH:D 59
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