[ale] Voice Modems

Brian D. Pitts bpitts at LearnLink.Emory.Edu
Mon Oct 16 16:12:08 EDT 2006

Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts <ale at ale.org> writes:
>Something about little-endian vs. big endian. We used to have a devil of
>a time getting drivers for even simple stuff like pci video cards and
>ata adapters back in the day.

That does make sense. PPC is big-endian, but the PCI bus is little-endian. I
hate to imagine the additional headaches throwing Intel into the mix is causing
Apple driver developers.
>I was about to suggest seeing if there are any Mac internal modems on
>ebay but I have no idea if there would be linux drivers for them.

I believe Apple switched to softmodems in 1999 at the same time they stopped
including serial ports. I know they used Conexant chips for a while; I'm not
sure what their current USB modems use. Another problem is that the Mac modems
I've seen use a special connector of which there's only one on the logic board.


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