[ale] Firefox plugins

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Tue May 23 10:55:01 EDT 2006

David Corbin wrote:
> On Monday 22 May 2006 03:35 pm, Jim Popovitch wrote:
>> David Corbin wrote:
>>> On Monday 22 May 2006 10:13 am, roberth1954 at aim.com wrote:
>>>> find / -name plugins
>>> I have a whole bunch.  Which is why I asked the question.
>> :-)
>> Try this:
>> find / -type d -name plugins.
> I have 81 directories named 'plugins'.  The "-type d" is irrelevant.  6 of 
> them look like the're related to mozilla products, which is why I wanted to 
> know if there was a way to see which one was being used.
> Firefox says I've got the plugin loaded (about:plugins), 

In most cases the plugins directory will reside in a firefox directory, 
so if you want to narrow your search, try:

for dir in $(find / -type d -name '*firefox*' -print); do
find $dir -name 'plugins' -print

That being said, your best way is to start with the path of the 
executable, for example:

rhws/home/esoteric> type firefox
firefox is /usr/bin/firefox

rhws/home/esoteric> file /usr/bin/firefox
/usr/bin/firefox: symbolic link to `/usr/local/firefox/firefox'

ls -l /usr/local/firefox/

browserconfig.properties  libnss3.so          libxpistub.so
chrome                    libnssckbi.so       mozilla-xremote-client
components                libplc4.so          plugins
defaults                  libplds4.so         readme.txt
extensions                libsmime3.so        removed-files
firefox                   libsoftokn3.chk     res
firefox-bin               libsoftokn3.so      run-mozilla.sh
greprefs                  libssl3.so          searchplugins
icons                     libxpcom_compat.so  updater
libmozjs.so               libxpcom_core.so    updater.ini
libnspr4.so               libxpcom.so         xpicleanup

Looking at the above listing, you'll find a plugins directory.

If you've got multiple versions of firefox installed, you need to find 
the plugins directory for the version you're running..

Until later, Geoffrey

Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little
security will deserve neither and lose both.  - Benjamin Franklin

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