[ale] X11 module probs with Mandriva 2005 update

William Bagwell rb211 at tds.net
Thu Mar 9 10:50:23 EST 2006

On Thursday 09 March 2006 06:03 am, aaron wrote:
> I'm trying to provide some long distance support to my daughter,
> whose Mandriva system at college went wonky upon installing a
> full system update from 10.2 to the "2005" release yesterday.

Um, 10.2 is 2005(LE). 2006 came out late last year if that is what you mean.

> The system still boots and allows login, but is failing to bring
> up Xwindows.  The errors from boot and her "startx" attempts
> report missing X11R6 modules.

Older Nvidia card? Mandriva drooped support for a bunch of them in 2006. Now 
have to install the Nvidia drivers for even 2D graphics on a dozen or so 
older cards. (Have a list somewhere...) Formally only had to do this for 3D 
accelerated games and stuff. There is an ugly alternative that will allow X 
to start. In 16 colors, looks like an old Win 3.1 box:-(

> I have done a couple of hours of research and man reading around
> modprobe, insmod, moddep and such, but I am not well versed with
> these kernel level operations. I am hoping someone here might be able
> to provide a few basic "step by step" pointers for properly locating and
> installing missing kernel modules.

Hope this is *not* what you need, because this is a bit over my head...

Oh, try a clean install keeping /home. I have used Mandr*** since 8.0 and 
have *never* had an upgrade work 100% correctly...

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