[ale] ALE CENTRAL for Thursday, March 9th, 7:30pm

aaron aaron at pd.org
Mon Mar 6 18:05:32 EST 2006

A State of the TiVo Address
-- with Dennis Boylan

For the March, 2006 ALE Central meeting Mr. Dennis Boylan will be
presenting his quasi-annual "State of the TiVo" address, keeping us
up to date  on the latest developments and hacks for the Linux based
TiVo media technology.

Dennis is a long standing member of ALE who has been active in
supporting the ALE NE  meeting since it's inception.  His knowledge
of Linux and networking is extensive and he regularly presents for
ALE meetings on a broad array of topics. His greatest "geeky"
distraction, however, is the TiVo, and with  6 different TiVo models
in his home he can clearly be classified as a  TiVo-holic.

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