[ale] 10GB Lan

Greg Freemyer greg.freemyer at gmail.com
Tue Jun 27 18:57:15 EDT 2006


Anyone know of a site that gives the basics of how 10GB Lan works?

I mean cable requirements. max runs. etc.  Is it purely just a fast
ethernet, or does have some  failover capability.  (ie. I'm hoping it
may have some FC-like features.)

Also,  anyone know roughly how expenisive this technology is.  ie. If
I wanted to put in a couple of high-speed storage servers (iSCSI ??)
and have 10 or so compute nodes on the front-end, how much am I
looking at?

$10K or more just for the network (adaptors, GBICs?, switch(s),
cables, etc.) would be too much I think, but anything less than that
is worth thinking about.

Greg Freemyer
The Norcross Group
Forensics for the 21st Century

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