[ale] OT: Comcast

Jim ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Tue Jun 6 11:15:13 EDT 2006

No, it's just one IP address. 

Jeff Hubbs wrote:

>Jim wrote:
>>I told myself I wasn't going to comment, 'cause about the time I did, 
>>all hell would break loose, but I gotta say I've been very happy with 
>>Bell South DSL since I got rid of that alcatel modem.  In 2.5 years, the 
>>only outage I experienced was when they came along and blocked port 25.  
>>I don't know what else they did, but that was the only thing I 
>>detected.  I share the opinion of Bell South that many of you do but 
>>have been pleasantly surprised at the reliablity of DSL. 
>>I feel pretty lucky.  I get almost the 3 mbs that they advertise 
>>according to the speed tests I've done.  The last time around they 
>>reduced my costs, doubled my speed and gave me a static IP all for 
>>nothing.  I know, competition was the motivation, but it's not often 
>>these days you get more for less, except when buying a new computer.
>>Jim (trusting my service won't degrade immediately 'cause of pride).
>Jim -
>I'm considering changing from Comcast in order to get a static IP for
>something that's not highway robbery.  Is your static IP *in addition
>to* a dynamic one?
>Ale mailing list
>Ale at ale.org

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