[ale] OT New thread -new iMacs- Joe's question

Mark Wright mpwright at speedfactory.net
Tue Feb 28 20:31:59 EST 2006

Sounds like you have a good plan there.

I noticed that "upgrade" doesn't seem to be an option when ordering a  
refurb unit too.   I suppose they have them refurbed boxed and ready  
to ship.  Opening the box and installing upgrades would ad to the  
handling cost.  I always thought memory was cheaper other places any  

It is hard to beat the price of a Mac Mini when you consider the  

On Feb 28, 2006, at 1:25 PM, Joe Knapka wrote:

> Mark Wright wrote:
>> [lots of interesting stuff about Macs]
> Hey Mark,
> Thank you very much for your reply.
> Last week my wife Ani's homebuilt Fedora Core 2 box started making  
> those
> whiny "my CPU fan is about to bite it" noises, and as it's about 8  
> years
> old I decided to take it out of service. I replaced it with a shiny  
> new
> Mac Mini, with which she's very happy so far. And for $630, I'm
> pretty happy too.
> In a few months the Mini is going to my daughter, and Ani will get a
> refurb iBook (or a new one, if I can afford it). Only thing about the
> refurbs
> that I don't like is that it doesn't seem possible to order  
> upgrades (eg
> 256M->512M RAM) when placing the order through apple.com.
> -- JK
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