[ale] SUSE10 seems to over run buffers on MB peripherals

James Taylor James.Taylor at eastcobbgroup.com
Thu Feb 23 12:44:41 EST 2006

I'm running SUSE10 on an eMachines AMD64 (as previously mentioned) and I seem to have a problem with it having some kind of timing or buffer issue with the on-board peripherals.
At first I thought I had a USB/X-windows conflict  because the USB mouse would work fine up until the last part of logging in to the desktop, then die until I rebooted the machine again.
Later I found that the on-board network card would work until I started to put an initial continuous data transfer then it would stop until I rebooted.

I saw something on the list about a week ago about a boot-up switch that changed the timing or or set delays, but it's been since deleted from my mailbox.

I wonder if this is applicable to my problem, and does anyone remember what the original problem and solution was on that one?



James Taylor
The East Cobb Group, Inc.
james.taylor at eastcobbgroup.com

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