[ale] Sub $250 PCs

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Tue Feb 14 14:04:31 EST 2006

Matt Magee wrote:
> Geoffrey wrote:
>>Bob Toxen wrote:
>>>I've had repeated bad experiences from Ginstar that cost me substantial
>>>time and money and refuse to deal with them any more.
>>I've had issues with Ginstar as well, but not hardware related.  The 
>>last two times I've been there they've treated me like an idiot.  At one 
>>time, I was talking to the guy behind the counter when he asked me a 
>>question about my needs.  I guess he thought I waited too long to answer 
>>as I was actually considering the question.  He looked past me and said 
>>I looked at him and he simply ignored me.  I've not been back since, nor 
>>will I ever return.
> I had the exact same problem.  I walked over to Prime and despite being 
> busy, they at least tried to be considerate.

I spent half an afternoon at prime one day trying to get memory for a 
used box.  They let me bring to box in, hook it up to a monitor and 
keyboard and try different memory configurations.  They were great. 
They spent more time on me then was warranted for the purchase of a 
couple if sticks of memory.

Until later, Geoffrey

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