[ale] lost+found

Jim ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Sat Dec 16 10:43:22 EST 2006

Jim Popovitch wrote:
> What happens if I delete lost+found on an ext3 partition?  Is it really
> necessary to have?
> Why?  It's a stable partition, rarely changing.  This partition is
> exposed via ftp and http, and as such some browsers and other tools try
> to "crawl" a level deeper for caching reasons.  The lost+found directory
> is owned solely by root, so ftpd and apache users don't have access...
> but my logs fill up with errors about their denied attempts.  
> -Jim P.
I can't say for sure what would happen, except I know fsck expects a
lost+found. Perhaps you can create a directory on that partition and
move everything (except lost+found) to that directory and point the
apache directory to it instead? It doesn't answer your question but it
will eliminate the errors.


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