[ale] Ubuntu woes

Brian D. Pitts bpitts at LearnLink.Emory.Edu
Mon Aug 7 17:58:31 EDT 2006

Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts <ale at ale.org> writes:
>What's the state of Ubuntu wireless networking (WAP, not WEP, and things 
>like TKIP+AES, etc.)?
>I just installed Ubuntu on a new laptop (T60p) and it installed 
>wonderfully well... up until I wanted to use networking.   I've also 
>noticed that wired network can only be configured manually, dhclient 
>fails to pull an IP.
>The Ubuntu forums are full of similar issues/complaints, but no 
>solutions.  Am I a fool to think that networking should work out of the 
>box with an up to date Linux distro? ;-)

As far as I knew, it did. ;-) I've never had problems with wired networking or
unencrypted wireless networks, unless you count the time I had filesystem
corruption during a dist-upgrade and, after repairing it, couldn't load the
ipw2100 module I needed to finish the upgrade.

The first thing I do after I install Ubuntu on a laptop is install
network-manager-gnome, which enables switching between wired and wireless
networks with ease. It even uses wpasupplicant to handle 802.1X with aplomb.


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